Scripture Reading - Acts 2:47

Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. KJV

In the first sentence of this scripture the word “favor” is used. The divine favor of God is immeasurable because favor can do multiple things. The first sentence also gives us the prerequisite for God’s favor. The prerequisite to God’s favor is giving God praise. I remember on one occasion I was praying for God to give me favor in an interview for a particular job I was hoping for. The Lord surprised me with the statement, “If you keep the joy of the Lord upon you My favor will be automatic”. This helped me to understand that praising God is necessary, not optional. It is the praises of God that sparks the blessed fire of God’s Joy to minister peace to others. This joy inherently carries God’s favor inside of it which can get you a good job or this favor can get you a financial increase on your current job simply because the boss likes you. Working hard is a good thing but praising God is a better thing to produce God’s joy with God’s favor. Although favor can help you financially the primary reason God gave you His favor is to increase your influence with other people. As Christians we should not get too comfortable traveling in our own religious circles. We should believe to have God’s divine favor operating in our everyday lives to know what is in the mind and hearts of other people. Not just Christian people but people of other religions and even those people of “no religion”. Believers need to know about all types of people because we are called to share Jesus with the world. Typically if people like you they will feel more open to share their heart with you. The more joyful we are before people the easier it will be for them to relax which enhances the operation of God’s favor. Once they are comfortable around you the opportunities to help them grow closer to God will manifest. Perhaps in that moment you can actually help someone grow in the knowledge of God which is Jesus Christ. It is our (ihlcc) hope and prayer that the knowledge you share with an unbeliever would help lead them to be saved through the Precious Blood of Jesus. God’s favor is one way we can show God’s love to others and the communication of God’s Love will save men and increase the Body of Christ. Amen!